Fertilizer Canada’s Ammonia Code of Practice (Code) was first implemented in 2009 and provided a standardized approach to the safe and secure storage, handling and transportation of agricultural anhydrous ammonia. The Code was later revised in 2012, then in 2017 to incorporate the feedback of the first audit cycle and to address some of the challenges in compliance. Fertilizer Canada aims to revise the Code every 5 years in order to address concerns raised and to maintain its world-class status.
Proposed Amendments to the Ammonia Code of Practice Security for Anhydrous Ammonia Storage and Handling Operations
Protocol A4.1 outlines a number of acceptable measures to prevent the unauthorized access to anhydrous ammonia while in retail storage. The proposed amendment would require the mandatory installation and use of fencing measures and forgoing the options of valve and tank securement or other physical means of security. All newly construction sites after January 1, 2019 must include fencing while currently certified sites must install fencing by January 1, 2021.
As a Fertilizer Canada member and/or stakeholder, your feedback is important to us. Fertilizer Canada is committed to providing a robust Code and will continue to work with the fertilizer industry to maintain our social license to operate, keeping employees, farmers and the public safe. All comments must be submitted in writing on or before July 15, 2018.
Full memo here.
View the Anhydrous Ammonia Code of Practice Proposal – Amendment to Protocol A4.1 here.