Committees are a vital component of the success of Fertilizer Canada.
Our committees provide valuable insight and advice to the Board of Directors and staff and can help efficiently achieve the goals and vision of the association. They can also connect Fertilizer Canada staff with the attitudes and concerns of its members and serve as an important training ground for future leaders.
As a member of a Fertilizer Canada committee, you are investing your time and your company’s commitment on issues that are critical to your industry. Fertilizer Canada puts a high priority on helping you and your committee to be successful. We provide a guidebook that serves as a tool to ensure that Fertilizer Canada committees achieve maximum productivity and member participation is a rewarding and valuable experience by providing a standard approach to operating Fertilizer Canada Committees.
If you would like to join a Fertilizer Canada committee please contact:
Susan Adler
Manager, Member Services
Click here to view the Committee webinar.
Our Committees
Board of Directors
The bylaws of the corporation set out the Board’s powers and responsibilities for the governance of the association.
Nutrients Committee
Fertilizer Canada’s Nutrients Committee provides strategic direction, guidance and advocacy for sustainable nutrient management under 4R Nutrient Stewardship (Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place ®) resulting in economic, environmental, and socially responsible product use and earning the industry’s freedom to operate.
Co-Chairs: Adam Herges, Mosaic & Cheyne Ogilvie, Richardson
Staff: Frank Annau, Director of Product Stewardship & Cassandra Cotton, Vice President, Policy & Programs
4R Communications Working Group
The members of Fertilizer Canada’s Nutrients Committee have identified the need to develop and execute a communications plan on 4R Nutrient Stewardship with input from members. The issue of communication is at the core to the adoption of 4Rs in Canada.
The Communications working group was developed in 2019, and provides Fertilizer Canada staff guidance on internal and external communications, as it relates to the Stewardship pillar. The Communications Working Group is not responsible for policy-setting and will provide its recommendations to the Nutrients Committee for implementation.
Chair: N/A
Staff: N/A
Fertilizer Use Survey Working Group
Fertilizer Canada’s Nutrients Committee agreed to establish a Fertilizer Use Survey Working Group to review and revise the current Fertilizer Use Survey project. The Fertilizer Use Survey was established in 2015 and works to survey growers across Canada on their fertilizer practices and their knowledge/recognition of 4R Nutrient Stewardship framework. This working group works to develop the survey based on identified desired outcomes and ensures that it is designed to properly assess 4R Nutrient Stewardship implementation across Canada. This Working Group is key in helping identify current gaps and barriers to the implementation of 4R best management practices and 4R programming.
Chair: N/A
Staff: N/A
Safety & Security
Safety & Security Committee
Fertilizer Canada’s Fertilizer Safety and Security Council (FSSC) Steering Committee provides strategic direction, guidance and advocacy for the safe and secure manufacturing, handling, storage, transportation and application of commercial fertilizers, thereby protecting employees, transportation workers, first responders, farmers and the Canadian public from risk due to accidental release, environmental emergency, or criminal misuse of fertilizer products.
Chairs: Jim Jenkins (Nutrien)
Vice-Chair: Barry Schultz (IRM)
Staff: Katherine Kennedy, Manager Policy & Regulatory Affairs
Anhydrous Ammonia Working Group
Fertilizer Canada’s Ammonia Working Group is established under the mandate and direction of the Fertilizer Safety and Security Council (FSSC) Steering Committee. The working group works to develop and deliver safety, security and training programs related to ammonia and ammonia-based fertilizer products that align with the goals set by the FSSC Steering Committee and Fertilizer Canada.
The Ammonia Working Group will conduct its work under the auspices of the safe and secure manufacturing, handling, storage, transportation and application of commercial fertilizers, thereby protecting employees, transportation workers, first responders, farmers and the Canadian public from risk due to accidental release, environmental emergency, or criminal misuse of fertilizer products.
Chairs: Tom Hutcheson (Koch)
Vice-Chair: Chad Szymesko (Nutrien)
Staff: Katherine Kennedy, Manager Policy & Regulatory Affairs
Ammonium Nitrate Working Group
Fertilizer Canada’s Ammonium Nitrate Working Group is established under the mandate and direction of the Fertilizer Safety and Security Council (FSSC) Steering Committee. The Working Group works to develop and deliver safety, security and training programs related to ammonium nitrate and ammonium nitrate-based fertilizer products that align with the goals set by the FSSC Steering Committee and Fertilizer Canada.
The Ammonium Nitrate Working Group will conduct its work under the auspices of the safe and secure manufacturing, handling, storage, transportation and application of commercial fertilizers thereby protecting employees, transportation workers, first responders, farmers and the Canadian public from risk due to accidental release, environmental emergency, or criminal misuse of fertilizer products.
Chair: Rob Radabaugh (Yara)
Vice-Chair: Vacant
Staff: Katherine Kennedy, Manager Policy & Regulatory Affairs
Environment Committee
Fertilizer Canada’s Environment Committee provides strategic direction, guidance and advocacy to advance the industry’s participation in regulatory initiatives related to the environment which impact the manufacturing and distribution of fertilizer products.
Co-Chairs: Kari Hamilton, Mosaic & Luke Kittmer, CF Industries
Staff: Nadine Frost, Senior Director Scientific and Regulatory Affairs & Sean Ludzki, Policy Analyst
Nitrogen Working Group
AB, MB – The Nitrogen Air Issues WG is a sub-group of the Environment Committee and is comprised of nitrogen-based fertilizer manufacturers and distributers. It serves primarily to advance the industry’s participation in the regulatory development process, as it relates to greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant regulatory issues in the manufacturing and distribution of nitrogen-based fertilizer products.
Chair: N/A
Staff: McKenzie Smith
Director, Stewardship & Regulatory Affairs
Potash Working Group
SK, MB – The Potash Boiler Technical WG is a sub-group of the Potash Air Issues WG and is comprised of engineers, technicians, operators, mechanics or other individuals familiar with boilers used for potash-based fertilizer manufacture and distribution. It serves primarily to support the industry’s participation in the regulatory development process, as it relates to greenhouse gas (GHG) regulatory issues in the manufacture of potash-based fertilizer products, through technical knowledge of potash boilers.
Chair: N/A
Staff: Dustin Pike, Director of Government Relations
Urban Committee
To advance the interests of member companies of CropLife Canada and of Fertilizer Canada as these relate to pest control products and fertilizers used in urban/non-agricultural settings.
Chairs: Scotts Suzanne Beattie, Premier Tech
Staff: Catherine King, Public Affairs & Member Services
Products Committee
Fertilizer Canada’s Products Committee aims to promote the environmental and economic sustainability of the fertilizer products sector by promoting the safe and efficacious use of fertilizer and supplement products, and influencing the direction of regulations to encourage innovation and growth in the industry. Through the Products Committee, member companies have a means to address shared issues related to regulation and registration of fertilizers and supplements under the purview of the Fertilizers Regulations. The Products Committee represents the interests of the specialty fertilizers market, including supplement products, and addresses regulatory challenges through use of issue-specific working groups. Fertilizer Canada member companies that are suppliers and/or retailers of specialty fertilizer products / supplements should be actively engaged in the Products Committee.
Chair: Suzanne Beattie, Premier Tech
Vice-Chair: Christopher Pertschy, TMAC Agro Canada
Staff: Frank Annau, Director of Product Stewardship & Cassandra Cotton, Vice-President, Policy & Programs
Nitrogen Stabilizers Working Group
The Nitrogen Stabilizers Working Group was established in 2017, with a mandate to advocate for nitrification and urease inhibitor products (often collectively referred to as nitrogen stabilizers) in Canada.
Chair: Jennifer Blundon, Koch
Staff: Nadine Frost
Director, Policy & Industry Standards
Transportation Committee
Fertilizer Canada’s Transportation Committee identifies and responds to incidents and regulatory threats that have the potential to impact members’ ability to transport fertilizer products safely, efficiently, and at a reasonable cost. The Transportation Committee focuses its resources on the primary modes of getting fertilizer products to domestic and export markets, including rail and trucking. The Committee also addresses issues with labour shortages or disruptions that impact the fertilizer transportation supply chain.
The Transportation Committee identifies common issues across membership and works to establish consensus positions to advocate on behalf of the fertilizer industry. The Committee works in partnership with other Fertilizer Canada issue committees, such as the Fertilizer Safety and Security Committee, to leverage areas of common interest such as training and outreach on fertilizer safety.
Chair: Mark Jacobson, Nutrien
Vice-Chair: Michael Dalton Koch
Staff: Katherine Kennedy, Manager Policy & Regulatory Affairs
Government Relations
Government Relations Committee
Co-Chairs: Darcie Park, CF Industries and Tyler Hopson, Mosaic
Staff: Matthew, Director of Government Relations
Listed below are the types of committees employed by Fertilizer Canada, in pursuit of the achievement of the Strategic Framework.
Board of Directors
The bylaws of the corporation set out the Board’s powers and responsibilities for the governance of the association.
Executive Committee
This committee is responsible to the Board. It has powers to ensure the ongoing administration of the association.
Committees of the Board
In the case of board committees, the board establishes them, sets out their objectives, monitors their progress, and holds them accountable. Currently, the Audit Planning and Budget and External Affairs committees are functioning board committees
Issue Committees
These committees have been mandated by the Board to function as standing committees. Each Issue Committee is responsible for matters related to specific Pillars of Success in the Fertilizer Canada Strategic Framework. The Nutrients Committee, Fertilizer Safety & Security, and Transportation committees are examples of issue committees.
Working Groups
These Working Groups are appointed by the Issue Committees and are charged with specific components of the Issue Committee mandates. Working groups are typically time limited, have limited scope and report directly to the established Issue Committee.
Task Force
A task force may take on a specific task when it is deemed too complex/onerous/regionally specific to be undertaken by a Working Group.