
By Fertilizer Canada
July 12, 2018

Canadian Fertilizer Industry Poised to Lead Agriculture Industry in Reducing Greenhouse Gas

Canada has the opportunity to become a world leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions on-farms by helping growers become climate-smart. As the federal, provincial and territorial Agriculture Ministers are set to meet next week, they have the opportunity to develop a Pan-Canadian framework for the Canadian agriculture sector contributing to the low carbon economy and creating revenue from carbon pricing systems across the country.

A national 4R Climate-Smart Protocol, also known as the Nitrous Oxide Emission Reduction Protocol, can achieve this. The 4R Climate-Smart Protocol is an easily adaptable, science-based solution for Canada’s growers to optimize nitrogen management in their cropping systems and quantifiably demonstrate carbon reductions.

Implementing the 4R Climate-Smart Protocol, which incorporates 4R Nutrient Stewardship (Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place®), increases economic performance for growers while reducing the input costs per unit of crop yield produced.

See the full 4R Climate-Smart Protocol strategy here: Towards a National NERP Carbon Management Strategy

See the full press release here: Canadian Fertilizer Industry Poised to Lead Agriculture Industry in Reducing Greenhouse Gas


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