
By Fertilizer Canada
March 29, 2018

NH3 Update: Hydrostatic Testing Relief Granted for Spring

*Note: This information has been updated on April 23, 2018 here: Update on Fertilizer Canada’s Equivalency Certificate and Temporary Certificate*

Transport Canada has agreed to provide agri-retailers time to complete hydrostatic testing, which will ensure adequate ammonia for farmers this spring.  Fertilizer Canada and the Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers (CAAR) have been granted Temporary Certificates, TH 0651 and TH 0653 respectively, for the spring seeding season, which will allow members relief for the hydrostatic testing requirements on three year tanks as required by the CSA B620-14.

TH 0651 will apply to:

  • The members of Fertilizer Canada,
  • Any person using a Fertilizer Canada member-owned tank or a Fertilizer Canada member-leased tank, or
  • Any person on behalf of the members of Fertilizer Canada

Download: TH 0651 Temporary Certificate

Fertilizer Canada was also issued Equivalency Certificate SH 12501.1 (REN 1), which provides an equivalency for compliance with SR 54 and 55 of Clause 6.3 of B622-14 and Note 10 of Table 7.1 of B620-14 (the “EqC”) for three enumerated classes of persons who “handle, offer for transport or transport, by road vehicle,” ammonia in a means of containment.  Please note that a copy of the EqC in either paper or electronic format must accompany any shipment.  This revision supersedes the previous version.

The EqC applies solely to:
1)  The members of Fertilizer Canada,
2)  Any person using a Fertilizer Canada member-owned or member-leased tank, or
3)  Any person on behalf of the members of Fertilizer Canada.

The first class is clear, meaning members of Fertilizer Canada (“FC”).

The second class refers to any person using a FC member-owned or member-leased tank.   The two constituent parts of this second class are:

  • A person using a FC member-owned tank refers to a person, including a farmer, who uses a FC member-owned tank, whether pursuant to a lease agreement or otherwise.  In the case of a farmer, this includes use of a tank owned by a FC member and made available to the farmer.
  • A person using a FC-member-leased tank refers to a person, including a farmer, who leases a tank to a FC member, who in turn, makes the tank available to the farmer.  This is the option envisaged by TC for farmer-owned tanks.

The third class refers to a “person on behalf of the members of Fertilizer Canada.”  This refers to persons who have a contract with one or more FC members, to handle, offer for transport or transport ammonia on behalf of one or more FC members, as the case may be.  For example, it would include a transportation services company hired by a FC member to handle or transport ammonia product on behalf of the FC member.

In all instances contemplated by this EqC, Transport Canada has clarified that it is the responsibility of the member to ensure that any tank pursuant to the EqC meet the requirements of the EqC at all times.

Download: Equivalency Certificate SH 12501.1 (REN 1)

Download: Certificat d’équivalence SH 12501.1 (REN 1)

Members are encouraged to carefully review the CSA B620/622-14 Standards, as well as the Equivalency Certificate (EqC) and the new Temporary Certificate to ensure compliance of your operation. For more information please contact Giulia Brutesco at 613-786-3037 or [email protected].

See the full memo here.


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