*Note: this post is an update to the April 23 2018 post Update on Fertilizer Canada’s Equivalency Certificate and Temporary Certificate*
Fertilizer Canada has been issued a renewed Equivalency Certificate, extending the expiry date until July 31, 2020. This allows members and their clients to continue to access the updated standards for ammonia nurse tanks for hydrostatic testing requirements until the new standards are published in CSA B620/622-20.
Fertilizer Canada’s current Equivalency Certificate SH 12501 (Ren. 2) expires on December 31, 2019. Fertilizer Canada has successfully renewed the permit and has received Equivalency Certificate SH 12501 (Ren. 3) to provide continued compliance relief for the hydrostatic testing requirements on nurse tanks.
Fertilizer Canada’s Equivalency Certificate continues to apply to the following users:
- the members of Fertilizer Canada and their clients;
- any person using a Fertilizer Canada member-owned tank or a Fertilizer Canada member-leased tank, or
- any person on behalf of the members of Fertilizer Canada.
For users that were previously operating under Equivalency Certificate SH 12501 (Ren. 2), please ensure that a paper or electronic copy of the renewed Equivalency Certificate SH 12501 (Ren. 3) accompanies the anhydrous ammonia during transport, as it must be provided to an inspector immediately upon request.
Download the updated certificates below:
Equivalency Certificate SH 12501 (Ren. 3) English
Equivalency Certificate SH 12501 (Ren. 3) French